Epsilon-publi: contenus en ligne  TMF


TMF : The Theory of Movements in Formulas - La théorie des mouvements dans les formules

La théorie des mouvements dans les formules (TMF). Le document initial en français

Dynamic Algebra - L'algèbre dynamique

Nicaud J.F., Mercat C. (2012). Algèbre dynamique, glisser-déposer par équivalence. Actes des Journées mathématiques de l'Institut Français de l'Éducation (ENS de Lyon), 2012.

Nicaud J.F., Viudez C. (2013). Utiliser l'algèbre dynamique pour apprendre l'algèbre. Revue Repère-IREM No 92. TOPIQUES éditions, Nancy.

Nicaud J.F., Maffei L. (2013). Dynamic algebra in epsilonwriter: a pedagogical perspective. Proceedings of ICTMT11. Bari, Italy, July 2013.

Nicaud J.F., Viudez C. (2013). Implementation of Dynamic Algebra in Epsilonwriter. Proceedings of MathUI 2013. Bath, UK, July 2013.

Nicaud J.F., Trgalova J., Essonnier N. (2014). Dynamic Algebra in Epsilonwriter. Proceedings of CADGME 2014. Halle, Germany, September 2014.
     Get the slides (pdf)      Get the subjects of the demos with explanations (html which can be pasted in EpsilonWriter)

TQuiz et Aplusix

Nicaud J.F., Traglova J., Essonnier N., Viudez C. (2015). TetrisQuiz: a family of games for learning and self-assessing. Proceedings of EDULEARN. Barcelona, Spain, July 2015.

Essonnier N., Nicaud J.F. (2016). Aplusix Web and App for Fun Algebra Practicing. Proceedings of INTED. Valencia, Spain, March 2016.

Nicaud J.F., Traglova J., Essonnier N., Viudez C. (2016). TetrisQuiz: games for learning mathematics. Proceedings of ICME13. Hambourg, Germany, July 2016.

The Aristod company, which developed these tools, ceased its activities in April 2019, due to the very low interest that these tools have generated.
Jean-Francois Nicaud, the main author of these tools, keeps them available to users on this website for a few years.

Contact: jeanfrancois dot nicaud at laposte dot net