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3 - Calculations on complex numbers (arithmetic and algebra) with Aplusix proposed by Aristod
A - Calculations on complex numbers
A1 - Calculations on complex numbers, part 1
Examples : ;
Aplusix(Complexes) - Tools(Ari=Q) Open Description
A2 - Calculations on complex numbers, part2
Examples : ; ;
Aplusix(Complexes) - Tools(Ari=Q Alg=Light) Open Description
B - Linear equations on complex numbers
B1 - Linear equations on complex numbers, part 1
Examples : ;
Aplusix(Complexes) - Tools(Ari=Q Alg=Medium) Open Description
B2 - Linear equations on complex numbers, part 1
Similar to 1. Automatic calculations without the conjugate.
Aplusix(Complexes) - Tools(Ari=C Alg=Medium) Open Description
C - Quadratic equations on complex numbers
C1 - Quadratic equations on complex numbers, with real coefficients
Examples : ;
Automatic calculations without using the conjuguate.
Aplusix(Complexes) - Tools(Ari=C Alg=Medium) Open Description
C2 - Quadratic equations on complex numbers, with complex coefficients
Examples :
Automatic calculations using the conjuguate.
Aplusix(Complexes) - Tools(Ari=C Alg=Medium) Open Description
The Aristod company, which developed these tools, ceased its activities in April 2019, due to the very low interest that these tools have generated.
Jean-Francois Nicaud, the main author of these tools, keeps them available to users on this website for a few years.
Contact: jeanfrancois dot nicaud at laposte dot net